Tips & Facts about dogs

Our editors have collected as many tips and facts about dogs as possible. Do you have another tip that should be listed here? Let us know via
cute jack russell dog looking away by window waiting for owner.pets indoors
Tips & facts

Dog misses owner symptoms

Dogs can show different symptoms when they miss their owner. One of the most common signs is excessive barking or howling. This behaviour is often

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ability of tom egbers
Tips & facts

Ability of Tom Egbers

Tom Egbers is one of the best-known faces of Dutch sports journalism and television presentation. His extensive career, spanning more than three decades, has seen him

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popular dog breeds
Tips & facts

10x Popular dog breeds

With over 350 recognised breeds, you would think we would all choose a different species. As it turns out, nothing could be further from the truth: many

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can dogs see ghosts
Tips & facts

Can dogs see ghosts?

Dogs have always occupied a special place in people's lives. From loyal companions to active workers, they have fulfilled different roles by

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non-toxic to dogs
Tips & facts

10x Non-toxic for dogs

Do you like to give your dog a piece of you food, but were shocked by our previous article on toxic products? The following products are

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toxic to dogs
Tips & facts

15x Toxic to dogs

Are you familiar with these dog toxins? It's so tempting: your dog sits next to you at the table and holds his head

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smartest dog breeds
Tips & facts

10x Smartest dog breeds

Of course your dog is the cutest, sweetest and most beautiful. But is he also the smartest? With the choice of your breed, you have this

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DOG RAS in the spotlight!

Border Collie


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