Can a dog eat sambal?

can a dog eat sambal

You know the drill, you are sitting at the table enjoying a delicious meal with a spicy touch thanks to that tasty sambal. Suddenly, your dog looks at you with those pleading eyes, hoping for a small bite of what you are eating. But can a dog actually eat sambal? Let's take a closer look at this.

Is sambal toxic to dogs?

Sambal often contains ingredients such as chillies, garlic and onions, which can be harmful to dogs. Chillies contain capsaicin, which can cause stomach irritation and diarrhoea in dogs. Garlic and onions contain toxins that can damage dogs' red blood cells. So yes, sambal can be toxic for your furry friend.

Can dogs have sambal in moderation?

It is generally not a good idea to give your dog sambal, even in small amounts. The possible negative effects outweigh the moment of pleasure your dog might experience. It is better to choose safe snacks for your four-legged friend.

Different kinds of sambal

There are different types of sambal, ranging from mild to extremely spicy. But regardless of the spiciness, they can all be harmful to dogs because of the potentially toxic ingredients they contain.

Allergic reactions

Like humans, dogs can be allergic to certain foods, including the ingredients in sambal. Allergic reactions can range from itching and skin rashes to more serious symptoms such as vomiting and breathing problems.

Nutritional values of sambal per 100 grams

Sambal is generally low in calories and nutrients, but its high chilli content can lead to digestive problems in dogs. Moreover, the added ingredients such as salt and sugar can also be harmful to their health.

What should you pay attention to?

If you have accidentally given your dog sambal or if you suspect that your furry friend has snacked on your dish, pay close attention to possible symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain or lethargy. If in doubt, always contact your vet.


While it may be tempting to give your dog some sambal, it is better not to. Sambal can be toxic to dogs because of ingredients such as chillies, garlic and onions.

Even in small quantities, these ingredients can have harmful effects on your furry friend's health. Instead, choose safe and healthy snacks made specifically for dogs. And remember, when in doubt, it is always best to seek advice from your vet.

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In the Netherlands, about 1.5 million households have a dog, which amounts to about 1 in 5 households. This means there are estimated to be around 1.8 million dogs in the Netherlands