Can a dog eat liquorice?

can a dog eat liquorice

Are you a lover of liquorice and wondering if you can give him or her a piece too? Or maybe your dog accidentally ate some liquorice and you are worried about the possible consequences. In this article, we will delve deeper into the question: Is it okay for a dog to eat liquorice? We will discuss different aspects, from possible toxicity to recommended amounts and possible allergic reactions.

Is liquorice toxic to dogs?

It is important to understand that liquorice comes from the root of the liquorice plant, Glycyrrhiza glabra. This plant contains a substance called glycyrrhizic acid, which is responsible for the characteristic sweet taste of liquorice. However, this substance can cause negative side effects in both humans and animals when consumed in excess.

In dogs, glycyrrhizic acid can lead to increased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, and even muscle weakness. Therefore, it is important to be careful when giving liquorice to your four-legged friend.

Can dogs have liquorice in moderation?

Although small amounts of liquorice are not directly harmful to dogs, it is still recommended not to give it as a treat. The risk of side effects is too high, especially with regular consumption.

If your dog accidentally ingested a small piece of liquorice, you probably don't need to worry, but keep a close eye on his behaviour and consult a vet if you have any doubts.

Different types of liquorice

There are different types of liquorice products on the market, from sweets to teas and supplements. It is important to note that the concentration of glycyrrhizic acid can vary between these products. Some products contain more of this substance than others, which can increase the risk of toxicity.

Allergic reactions

Like humans, dogs can be allergic to certain foods, including liquorice. If you notice your dog showing symptoms such as itching, skin rashes, vomiting or diarrhoea after eating liquorice, stop giving liquorice immediately and consult a vet.

Nutritional values of liquorice per 100g

Although dogs generally should not consume large amounts of liquorice because of the possible side effects, it can be useful to know what the nutritional values are. Per 100 grams, liquorice contains about 122 calories, 4 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of sugar.

What should you pay attention to?

If you decide to give your dog a small piece of liquorice, pay close attention to his reaction. If you notice him behaving differently or showing symptoms, stop giving liquorice immediately and consult a vet. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your furry friend's health.


In this article, we explored the question "Can a dog eat liquorice?". Although small amounts of liquorice are generally not directly harmful to dogs, excessive consumption can lead to negative side effects such as increased blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias.

It is therefore recommended not to give liquorice as a treat to your furry friend and to watch carefully for any allergic reactions. If you have any doubts or if your dog shows symptoms after eating liquorice, always contact a vet for advice.

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In the Netherlands, about 1.5 million households have a dog, which amounts to about 1 in 5 households. This means there are estimated to be around 1.8 million dogs in the Netherlands