Can a dog eat garlic?

can a dog eat garlic

Have you ever wondered if your furry companion might also snack on your garlic dishes? It's a fair question, because while garlic is a seasoning for humans, its effects on dogs can differ. Let's dig deeper into this intriguing topic and find out if Fido can safely eat a little garlic.

Is garlic toxic to dogs?

It is no secret that some foods that are safe for humans can be harmful for our faithful four-legged friends. Garlic contains compounds such as thiosulphates, which can be toxic to dogs if consumed in large quantities. This substance can damage your dog's red blood cells, leading to serious health problems.

Can dogs have garlic in moderation?

Although garlic can be toxic to dogs in large quantities, this does not mean it is completely banned. In small quantities and given occasionally, garlic can have some benefits for dogs, such as repelling fleas and ticks. It's all about moderation and judicious use.

Different types of garlic

There are different types of garlic, from fresh cloves to powdered varieties. But does the same apply to all of them when it comes to dogs? The answer is yes - it is the active compounds in garlic that can cause potential problems, regardless of the form in which it is consumed.

Allergic reactions

Just as people can be allergic to certain foods, dogs can also show allergic reactions to garlic. Watch carefully for signs such as itching, skin rashes or digestive problems after your dog eats garlic, and consult a vet if necessary.

Nutritional values of garlic per 100 grams

While garlic is known for its flavour, it also has some nutritional value. Per 100 grams, garlic contains about 149 calories, 33 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of protein and traces of essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese.

What should you pay attention to?

If you choose to give your dog some garlic occasionally, make sure you do it in small amounts, preferably under the supervision of a vet. Avoid giving garlic in any form to puppies, pregnant dogs or dogs with certain medical conditions.


So, can a dog eat garlic? The answer is yes, but with caution and in small amounts. While garlic can have some health benefits for dogs, it is important to understand the risks and act wisely to protect your furry friend's health. Always remember that your dog's safety and well-being are paramount, so when in doubt, always consult a vet.

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In the Netherlands, about 1.5 million households have a dog, which amounts to about 1 in 5 households. This means there are estimated to be around 1.8 million dogs in the Netherlands